POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There are MODERATE concentrations of Trees (Elm) and Weeds (Ragweed, Asteraceae (aster family) Ambrosia, Goosefoot, Lamb’s Quarters, Pigweed, Amaranth, Saltbush, Russian Thistle). Low concentration of Mold. Grass is not present.
Author Archive
Pollen Count – October 13, 2023
POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There are HIGH concentrations of Trees (Elm) and Weeds (Ragweed, Goosefoot, Lamb’s Quarters, Pigweed, Amaranth, Saltbush, Russian Thistle). LOW concentrations of Grass and Mold.
Eczema Awareness Month 2023
October is Eczema Awareness Month! Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed skin patches that can be both physically and emotionally distressing. While eczema is common, it can be a source of frustration and discomfort for those who […]
Pollen Count – October 6, 2023
POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There is a HIGH concentration of Weeds (Ragweed). LOW concentrations of Mold and Trees (Elm). Grass is not present.
Latex Allergy Awareness Week October 1-7
October 1-7 is Latex Allergy Awareness Week aiming to raise understanding about the condition. It can cause a range of allergic reactions in individuals exposed to latex-containing products. Latex Allergy can be a serious and potentially life-threatening concern occuring when the immune system mistakenly identifies latex proteins as harmful invaders, leading to an immune response. […]
Pollen Count – September 29, 2023
POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There is a HIGH concentration of Weeds (Ragweed, Goosefoot, Lamb’s Quarters, Pigweed, Amaranth, Saltbush, Russian Thistle). MODERATE concentration of Trees (Elm). LOW concentration of Mold. Grass is not present.
National Penicillin Allergy Day
September 28 is the date Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. Significantly it was designated National Penicilin Allergy Day to celebrate raising awareness and focusing on the importance of knowing a patient’s true allergy history while offering care and resources. Unverified penicillin allergy is being increasingly recognized as a public health concern 1, and studies […]
Pollen Count – September 22, 2023
POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There is a HIGH concentration of Trees (Elm). LOW concentrations of Weeds (Ragweed,Goosefoot, Lamb’s Quarters, Pigweed, Amaranth, Saltbush, Russian Thistle) and Mold. Grass is not present.
Pollen Count – September 15, 2023
POLLEN COUNT UPDATE: There is a MODERATE concentration of Weeds (Ragweed). LOW concentrations of Grass and Mold. Trees are not present.
World Atopic Eczema Day 2023
The Atopic Eczema Community joins together on September 14, 2023 to raise awareness. Atopic eczema is one of the most prevalent skin diseases in the world. World Atopic Eczema Day was launched in 2018 to raise awareness about the disease globally and across Europe through an initiative coordinated by the European Federation of Allergy and […]