Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis
Your sinuses are air-filled spaces in the bones of your face: behind your cheek bones, around your eyes, and in your forehead. Sinuses help warm and moisturize the air we breathe and affect our voice quality. Often, an infection occurs from a viral illness and goes away without antibiotics. However, in some people, it turns into a bacterial infection, requiring antibiotics.
Acute sinusitis means it has lasted several weeks. Chronic sinusitis means it has lasted 12 weeks or more. People with allergies and asthma, deviated septum, nasal polyps, or immune disease are more likely to have chronic sinusitis. Symptoms may be facial pain, cough, decreased smell and taste, headache, nasal drainage, and nasal congestion.

After taking a detailed history and physical exam, our comprehensive testing process may include allergy testing, sinus CT scans, or immune testing. We partner with you to determine the best treatment, which may include medication such as a decongestant or antibiotic and methods to reduce allergic symptoms.
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Sinuses are hollow spaces in the bones of your face. The lining of the sinuses normally makes small amounts of mucus. Inflammation in the sinuses leads to swelling and extra mucus.
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