Relief From Recurrent Infections
Our immune system has an amazing ability to keep our bodies healthy by fighting off germs that cause infection, such as bacteria. One way the immune system does this is by making different types of antibodies. If the immune system does not have enough of these antibodies, our body is more likely to get infections. Adults and children who lack the ability to produce certain antibodies may develop recurrent infections, such as chronic sinusitis, ear infections, or repeated cases of pneumonia.

The immune system is smart. Through treatment, the immune system can get better at recognizing and battling certain germs, making patients less likely to get infection. Over time, treatment improves the immune system to minimize infection and quickly recover, keeping people healthier and improving quality of life. At Family Allergy & Asthma Care, we investigate to find the cause of recurrent infections and provide treatment when an underlying cause is found.
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Your immune system is constantly fighting germs that could cause infections. While everyone’s immune system loses a battle occasionally, suffering from lots of infections, or even just a few very severe infections, can be a sign of an immune system problem.
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We collect and record the latest pollen counts for North Texas at our AAAAI-certified counting station.