Pets May Cause Havoc for Allergic and Asthmatic Patients Keeping domestic animals as household pets is a universal activity. Pets provide companionship, security and a sense of comfort. Children often learn responsibility and lessons about life and death from pets. However, people with allergies should be cautious in deciding what type of animal can safely be brought into their home. Pets can cause problems to allergic patients in several ways. Their dander (skin flakes) can cause an allergic reaction, as well as their saliva and urine. The animal hair itself is not considered to be a very significant allergen. However, the hair or fur can collect pollen, dust, mold, and other allergens. The best types of pets for an allergic patient are tropical fish, snakes, lizards, turtles, salamanders, ants and certain types of insects, frogs, spiders and tortoises. All of these pets do not shed dander, have hair or fur, nor does their excrements create allergic problems. However, patients should keep in mind that large aquariums can add to the amount of water vapor in a room, thus increasing mold and house dust mite concentrations in their home. Most Common Pets The most common household pets are dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, rabbits, mice, rats and guinea pigs. Larger animals such as horses, goats, cows, chickens, ducks and geese, even though kept outdoors, can also cause problems if kept as pets. It is estimated that 25% of children are exposed to horses either by riding them or by being in their barns or pens. The number of pets in the United States is estimated at more than 100,000,000. This large number also increased the likelihood of accidental exposure to animals by the allergic patient when visiting homes, farms, etc. Both feathers and the droppings from birds, another common pet, can increase the allergen exposure. The allergic patient should not sue feather pillows or down comforters. If a feather pillow is used, it should be placed in a plastic encasing. An encasing with a zipper is recommended, so none of the feathers can escape. Bird Droppings Bird droppings can be a...