TREE POLLEN ALERT: There are HIGH concentrations of Tree pollen (Juniper family, Cedar, Elm) Visit the website to get the full report. Our board certified allergists and staff are here to serve you. We are focused on continually improving the quality of care we deliver. Don’t let allergies or asthma get in the way of […]
Archive for the ‘Asthma’ Category
Do I Have Indoor Allergies?
If you’re still sneezing and blowing your nose when winter descends, you might have indoor allergies. “Most allergy sufferers develop similar symptoms no matter what allergen they’re reacting to,” says allergist Todd Mahr, MD, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). “When you have a stuffy or runny nose, itchy, watery […]
Pollen Count Alert: January 9, 2019
POLLEN COUNT ALERT: There are MODERATE concentrations of Trees (Juniper family, Cedar, and Elm). There are low concentrations of Mold. Click here to get the full report. Don’t let allergies or asthma get in the way of your life. Our board-certified allergists are here to help you. Call 972.539.0086 or click here to learn more […]
Pollen Count – December 20, 2018
How will the pollen count affect your weekend and holiday plans? There are MODERATE concentrations of Trees (Juniper family and Cedar) and LOW concentrations of Weeds and Mold. Visit the website to get the full report.
Thanksgiving Allergy and Asthma Tips
A number of holiday-related triggers can make people sneeze, wheeze or, in the case of food allergies, have a more serious reaction, said allergist Dr. Myron Zitt, past president of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). But by planning ahead, the day can go smoothly for people with allergies or asthma. ACAAI offers the following […]
Weather Alert: Freeze Watch Tonight
A Freeze Watch is in effect for parts of North Texas late Friday night, November 9 into mid Saturday morning, November 10. Temperatures are expected to be 31 degrees or lower for several hours. Subfreezing temperatures between 27 and 32 degrees are forecast for the North Texas area. Cold, dry air is a common asthma […]
FDA Consider Including Sesame as an Allergen in Foods
Have you had an experience with sesame allergies? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invites your feedback as they consider adding sesame as an allergen in foods. The agency wants first to determine how common sesame allergies are, and how many foods contain sesame. Visit the website to send your information and learn more.
Tree Pollen Alert: Juniper and Cedar
TREE POLLEN ALERT: There are HIGH concentrations of Juniper and Cedar. Visit the pollen count website to get the full report. Family Allergy and Asthma Care is a AAAAI certified counting station and provides daily pollen and spore levels for North Texas.
Allergy and Asthma Alert: Excessive Heat Warning
ALLERGY AND ASTHMA ALERT: Very hot temperatures are expected through this weekend. All of North and Central Texas is under an Excessive Heat Warning today through Sunday. Temperatures will rise to well past the century mark each afternoon, with temperatures likely to reach record levels in many locations. Click here for the National Weather Service […]
Cockroaches Can Trigger Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
Do you suffer from coughing, nasal congestion, skin rash, wheezing, or chronic ear or sinus infections? Did you know that cockroaches If you suspect that you have a cockroach allergy, contact our office by phone at 972.539.0086 or email to speak with a board-certified allergist. ACAAI offers these tips to treat and prevent cockroach […]